Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of this study was electing superior Stone Pine trees to get the seeds with high genetic traits. Method. This study is carried out in four sites using four samples per site. Ten phenotypic traits of the trees in our sample are examined to determine the maximum value for each trait (measured in points out of ten). We then calculate the percentage value for each tree; weighted of each trait’s value. Then, the total number of points for each tree is calculated in order to be able to choose trees that have achieved the highest points i.e. considered superior. As a result. Four superior trees are elected from each site. Next, a one-way analysis of variance (Anova) is conducted on the superior trees in each site. The results show no significant differences between them. However, when the analysis is applied to traits, statistically significant differences are found where some traits outweigh the others in terms of the role they play in the evaluation of superior trees, and thus we can adopt these traits as basic traits for evaluate the superior trees. Scientific novels. According to this study, these superior trees can be selected as distinct mother seeds which can be used in propagation Pinus pinea.

election, superior trees, stone pine, Anova, traits
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