Abstract. The European dark bees (Apis mellifera mellifera L.) divided into many populations occupying a wide range and living in different climatic zones. The research of morphological features of all castes of bee colony, and the description of their ethological features makes it possible to more fully characterize and distinguish a particular group of bees. The aim of the research was to describe the main morphological and some ethological features of queen artificial reproduction, drones, and worker of the European dark bees of the Perm region. Methods. The research was carried out on one of the breeding apiaries of the Perm region on colony of the European dark bees. Morphometric studies were performed according to the standard technique with the use of computer technology. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the morphological and ethological characteristics of honeybees of the Perm region are described most fully. Also experimental study was carried out on the use of a new technology for reproduction of virgin queen bees. Research results and practical significance. In the long-term dynamics, it is shown that the main breed-defining morphometric and ethological characteristics of the studied individuals of all castes of the colony of bee belong to the European dark breed. The results obtained can be used in the identification of bees in the Permian population and the implementation of the selection process in apiaries in the region. New method of artificial breeding of virgin queens allowed to obtain queens corresponding to the standard of the European dark bees and can be applied in practical breeding. Observations were made on the flight activity of drones and flight timing of virgin queen bees, the results of which can be used in practice in the process of obtaining mated queens.
honeybee, the European dark bees, worker bees, virgin queens, drones, morphometry, reproduction of queens, flight activity
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