Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of experiments on seed germination and the initial stages of ontogenesis of the hygrohelophyte Oenanthe aquatica under laboratory conditions are presented. The features of fruit germination and the initial stages of ontogenesis of Oenanthe aquatica (L.) Poir were studied. It was revealed that mature fruits of O. aquatica do not have a dormant period. Germination of both freshly harvested fruits and those subjected to various storage conditions for 4 months (in laboratory conditions, refrigerator and freezer), showed a high percentage of laboratory germination from 90.6 to 100%. At the same time, storage of fruits in the freezer and in the refrigerator led to a decrease in the lag-time and germination period (in comparison with those of freshly picked fruits and fruits stored at room temperature). It was revealed that the fruits of O. aquatica germinate without a dormant period. It was shown that the development of O. aquatica seedling under laboratory conditions lasts about 30 days. The transition of a plant to a juvenile ontogenetic state occurs when the cotyledon leaves die off and is accompanied by the appearance of all the main plant organs. The sprout is a monopodially growing rosette shoot with main and adventitious roots. The juvenile plant is also represented by a uniaxial monopodial and anisotropic rosette shoot. The transition to an immature age-related state is characterized by the preservation of the rosette form of growth and the appearance of axillary buds on the shoot. In juvenile and immature age states, plants usually hibernate. It was revealed that already at the seedling stage, the polyvariance of ontogenesis is traced according to the rates of development of plants (growing in Petri dishes and floating on the surface of the water in beakers), associated with different rates of plant transition from the seedling phase to the juvenile age state.

features of fruit germination; initial stages of ontogenesis, polyvariance of ontogenesis
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