Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Object. A cephalometric analysis was performed in children with deep distal occlusion. The aim of the study — To determine the age-related changes in the vertical parameters of the face in children with deep distal occlusion. Methodology. The article is devoted to the analysis of cephalometric parameters in patients with deep distal occlusion at different age periods in the groups: 7-9, 10-12, 13-15 years. The calculation of 15 parameters of lateral teleroentgenograms was carried out, of which 12 characterized the vertical development of the facial skeleton and the tooth-alveolar region. The analysis was performed using a computer program for automated analysis of skull radiographs. Results. The study revealed age-related changes in the parameters that characterize the vertical development of the maxillofacial region in children with deep distal occlusion. Conclusion. Changes with age in the parameters of the angles NSL/ML, NSL/NL, anterior and posterior height of the face are early signs of a genetically determined developmental anomaly. An increase in the depth of the incisal overlap with age, a deepening of the Spee occlusal line are interrelated with an increase in the tooth-alveolar height in the incisor region and with a decrease in the tooth-alveolar height in the region of the first molars, especially in the lower jaw. The sagittal position of the upper and lower incisors in distal occlusion does not change with age and corresponds to the average normal values. Established age-related changes in the parameters of the facial skeleton in deep distal occlusion make it possible to determine the area of influence of orthodontic treatment at the stages of bite development — tooth-alveolar, in the vertical plane.

deep distal occlusion, vertical parameters of the facial skeleton of the jaws, depth of incisal overlap, anterior and posterior height of the face, depth of the Spee occlusal line

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