Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the formation and development of the innovative potential (IP) of an organization based on knowledge management. It is emphasized that of all the qualities that characterize this potential, the most important is the company's ability to self-development, to form its key competencies and dynamic abilities. It is indicated that the named competencies and abilities should be formed within the framework of the knowledge management system (KMS) created in the organization. At the same time, the specified system should be an organic part of an innovative business model formed in the company, which, in turn, should be built into the corporate culture and corporate memory of the company. The role of corporate universities in the creation of an effective KMS is noted. It is emphasized that a successfully functioning knowledge management system is a guarantee of continuous growth of the innovative potential and competitiveness of the organization.

innovation potential, knowledge management, competitiveness, key competences, dynamic abilities, corporate universities

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