Russian Federation
The possibility of optimizing the technological regime of the reactor-regenerator unit of the GC-3 installation by developing an automatic system for loading fresh catalyst and afterburning promoter is considered
the efficiency of maintaining the technological regime, the modernization of the automatic system, the creation and implementation of the control algorithm.
1. Elshin A.I. i dr. Rekonstrukciya reaktornogo bloka ustanovki kataliticheskoro krekinra v sostave kompleksa GK-3 // Himiya i tehnologiya topliv i masel. – 2004. – № 4. – S. 14–17.
2. Pervichnaya pererabotka nefti, vakuumnaya peregonka mazuta i kataliticheskiy kreking na kombinirovannoy ustanovke GK-3 ceha 11 NPZ: tehnologicheskiy reglament.