The changes in the legislation adopted in 2021 on the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities that use lifting equipment and equipment operating under excessive pressure are considered
lifting structures, equipment operating under excessive pressure.
1. Prikaz Rostehnadzora ot 26.11.2020 № 461 «Pravila bezopasnosti opasnyh proizvodstvennyh ob'ektov, na kotoryh ispol'zuyutsya pod'emnye sooruzheniya».
2. Prikaz Rostehnadzora ot 15.12.2020 № 536 «Ob utverzhdenii federal'nyh norm i pravil v oblasti promyshlennoy bezopasnosti «Pravila promyshlennoy bezopasnosti pri ispol'zovanii oborudovaniya, rabotayuschego pod izbytochnym davleniem».
3. Rasporyazhenie Rostehnadzora ot 22.01.2021 N 13-rp «Obschie trebovaniya promyshlennoy bezopasnosti».