Abstract. The quality of the crop is of great importance for increasing the profitability of potato production. According to the creators of the variety, when laying high-quality tubers and observing storage conditions, the quality indicator ranges from 85 % to 99 %. This is especially important for seed potatoes. According to the requirements for the quality of seeds, the presence of tubers affected by late blight is allowed up to – 2 %, and with scab and rhizoctonia – up to 5 %. The main objectives of the long-term storage technology are to ensure high initial quality and minimize potato losses. The purpose of the work is to identify the effectiveness of the use of biological products “Kartofin”, “BisolbiSan”, “Rizoplan”, “Zerebra Agro” in the cultivation of potatoes in the conditions of the foothill zone of the North Caucasus, the effect on biometric indicators, productivity, morbidity and quality indicators of tubers. The novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in the agro-ecological conditions of the North Caucasus, the effectiveness of the use of biological products of a new generation has been studied. Methods. The counts and observations were carried out according to the generally accepted methods described in the “Educational and methodological guidelines for conducting research in agronomy”. Results. The use of biological products of a new generation in the conditions of the foothill zone of the North Caucasus reduces the passage of the phenological phases of potatoes. Pre-planting treatment of tubers contributed to obtaining earlier shoots on day 16 compared to the control by 7.7; 9.1; 18.3; and 19 %. Biological products and fungicides increased the height of the potato bush by 5.5; 6.9; 19.1; 21.5 cm compared to control. The studied biological products have not only growth-regulating properties, but also increase resistance to late blight. The counts of the total yield showed that on the Udacha variety, all the studied biological products have a positive effect on the yield indicators in comparison with the control. But the highest yield indicators were noted on the option of using the biological product “Zerebra Agro” – 29.3 t/ha, while in the control it was 24.3 t/ha.
Kartofin, BisolbiSan, Rizoplan, Zerebra Agro, biological products, potatoes, biometric indicators, yield
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