Methodical Approaches to Establishing Control Levels’ Parameters of the Radiation Environment and Radiation Doses to Staff
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: The aim of work is to substantiate methodological approaches in establishing the parameters of the radiation situation at the workplaces of staff and radiation doses. Results: Methodological approaches to establishing the following types of control levels (CL) are presented: - the maximum possible CL, established from the conditions of guaranteed not exceeding the permissible values of the parameters of the radiation situation and the limits of radiation doses; - CL, established from the condition of fixing the achieved values of the parameters of the radiation situation at a level below acceptable values; - CL, exceeding the permissible values of the parameters of the radiation environment, established in those cases when the time of radiation exposure is short, and the decrease in existing levels is associated with significant labor and dose costs. Regulatory documents of the sanitary-epidemiological standardization system require the establishment of CL for radiation facilities for all monitored parameters with the aim of operational monitoring of the radiation situation, preventing exceeding the basic dose limits for personnel and the public, fixing the achieved level of radiation safety and ensuring further reduction of exposure levels for personnel and the public. In this case, the interpretation of the results of radiation monitoring should be carried out taking into account the uncertainty of the measurement result of the parameters of the radiation situation and radiation doses.

control levele, dose limit, personnel, measurement uncertainty

1. SanPiN—09 Normy radiacionnoy bezopasnosti (NRB-99/2009). [SanPiN Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-99/2009) M. 2009 (In Russian)].

2. SP Osnovnye sanitarnye pravila obespecheniya radiacionnoy bezopasnosti (OSPORB-99/2010) (redakciya 2013 g.). [SP Basic Health Ruses for Radiation Safety (OSPORB-99/2010) in ed. Amendment number 1, approved by the Statement of the Chief Medical Officer of the Russian Federation of 16.09.2013 N 43 (In Russian)].

3. Metodicheskie ukazaniya MU Kontrol' radiacionnoy obstanovki. Obschie trebovaniya. [Methodical instructions MU Monitoring of the radiation situation. General requirements. (In Russian)].

4. Simakov AV, Abramov, YuV, Proskuryakova NL Radiacionno-gigienicheskie aspekty upravleniya bezopasnost'yu personala. Gigiena i sanitariya, 2017; 96(9):878-82. [Simakov AV, Abramov YuV, Proskuryakova NL Radiation Hygienic Aspects of the Safety Control of the Personnel. Hygiene & Sanitation. 2017; 96(9):878-82. (In Russian)]. DOI: 10.18821/0016-9900-2017-96-9-878-882.

5. MU Opredelenie individual'nyh effektivnyh i ekvivalentnyh doz i organizaciya kontrolya professional'nogo oblucheniya v usloviyah planiruemogo oblucheniya. Obschie trebovaniya. [MU Determination of individual effective and equivalent doses and organization of control of occupational exposure in the context of the planned exposure. General requirements. (In Russian)].

6. MU Dozimetricheskiy kontrol' vneshnego professional'nogo oblucheniya. Obschie trebovaniya. [MU Dosimetric monitoring of external occupational exposure. General requirements. (In Russian)].

7. MU Ob'emnaya aktivnost' radionuklidov v vozduhe na rabochih mestah. Trebovaniya k opredeleniyu srednegodovoy ob'emnoy aktivnosti. [MU Volumetric activity of radionuclides in the air at workplaces. Requirements for determining the average annual volumetric activity. (In Russian)].

8. MU Kontrol' radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya poverhnostey. [MU Control of radioactive contamination of surfaces. (In Russian)].

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