Radiation Contribution Assessment to Development of Multiple Oncological Diseases in the Late Period of Acute Radiation Disease
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: On clinical examples to estimate a probable contribution of the postponed earlier external radiation of all body in the doses exceeding 1 Gy at development of multiple malignant neoplasms of different localization and a leukaemia. Material and methods: At 8 of 164 patients, it is long observed after the postponed acute radiation syndrome (ARS), multiple oncological diseases are revealed. Dynamics of consecutive forming of solid tumors at 2 patients and also malignant neoplasms and a myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) with transformation in an acute leukamia at 1 patient is tracked. Observation duration – 31 years, 43 years and 32 years. Results: Availability of medical care to the patients who transferred ARS and high quality of its rendering at all stages (out-patient, stationary) allowed to reveal malignant neoplasms at early stages of development and to achieve an absolute recovery. However eventually at these patients development and other oncological diseases was observed. The given clinical observations allow to assume that at presented cases radiation acted on various stages of carcinogenesis, and its contribution to development of different oncological diseases in all patients was not identical. Conclusion: The analysis of clinical observations allows to assume that radiation contribution to genesis of various oncological diseases at the persons which underwent radiation in the doses causing development of ARS is various. Now in our country there are no approaches to quantitative assessment of a contribution of radiation effects to development of malignant neoplasms in each case. The patients who underwent acute single exposition in doses over 1 Gy have to be considered as having predisposition to development of multiple tumors in the remote terms. In this regard they for life need medical follow up for the purpose of early diagnostics and adequate treatment of the developing malignant neoplasms.

acute radiation syndrome, late period, neoplasms, radiation contribution assessment

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