Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research topic is relevant in connection with the growing need to implement innovative projects that increase the level of the national economy. High risks and significant initial investments have determined the need to develop the most accurate methods for evaluating the effectiveness of innovations. The article describes the stages of analysis of an innovative project for the introduction of 5G technology. Calculations are presented that allow us to obtain a single criterion for choosing the most optimal project implementation option. The developed methodology takes into account both standard investment performance indicators and the level of aggregate risk, as a result of which project execution scenarios with unacceptable criteria are excluded under the specified constraints. The advantage of the described method is the simplicity of calculations and the absence of the need for a large amount of initial information about the project. In the conclusion of the study, the author's recommendations on the organization of effective deployment of the fifth-generation network in the Russian Federation are given.

innovation project, analysis of the effectiveness of innovations, the overall assessment of the project, the acceptability of indicators, the overall risk

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