Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the role of game methods for students of generation " Z " as a tool for increasing the activation of modern learning. The research is based on the analysis of Russian and foreign publications that reveal the importance of game methods of teaching students of economic disciplines in higher education. The main purpose of the research is to substantiate the theoretical provisions of game methods in teaching and to transfer the practical experience of their application in teaching economic disciplines. The role of toys for children's development in the historical aspect is determined. The author's experience of developing scenarios of classes in the form of a game of teaching economic modules, including accounting disciplines, using innovative methods and emphasizing the need to apply such methods in the educational process is proposed. Observing the basic principles of teaching: through practical experience, consistency and visibility, such pedagogical goals as increasing the involvement of students in the educational process, the formation of new professional skills by practicing them through game methods are achieved. The main conclusions are that by revealing the projects (developments) of individual game methods, the author shows the possibility of increasing the contingent for economic specialties and, as a result, the interest of students in the chosen profession. The author proposes the definition of "game methods of economic training" as a modeled set of activities in the form of a game, aimed at obtaining professional competencies related to economic activity. The conclusions can be used in teaching and in the development of work programs for special disciplines of students of economic directions in FGOST 3++.

higher economic education, game teaching methods, interactive technologies, modern teaching practices, projects, business game, intellectual game

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