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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Goal. Determination of the effectiveness of early diagnostic methods for resistance to aluminum ions. 15 hybrid populations of F2–F4 spring soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), created with the participation of varieties Altayskaya 530, Baganskaya 95, Tyumenskaya 26, Karabalykskaya 98, Gornouralskaya, Lutescens 30, Serebristaya, Jasna were studied. Methods. Laboratory assessment for resistance to aluminum ions in the seedling phase; field tests in two points, differing in pH level and content of mobile aluminum ions (pH1 = 4.3; Al3+ = 5.4 mg/kg of soil; pH2 = 3.8; Al3+ = 211.0 mg/kg of soil); statistical processing of the results. Results. According to the root length index, there were no significant differences between the genotypes, most of the studied samples were characterized as highly resistant (RLI = 80 ... 100 %). The following indicators were characterized by high genotypic indicators: the length of the germ roots, the dry mass of seedlings, the ratio of the root mass to the shoot mass (RSR). The following parameters were characterized by high genotypic conditionality: the length of germinal roots, the dry weight of seedlings, and the ratio of root to shoot weights (RSR). Field stability was assessed by the percentage reduction in signs. The greatest reaction to the conditions of severe edaphic stress was noted in terms of yield (7.1–16.9 % of the norm, depending on the combination), the lowest – in terms of carotenoid content (78.0–111.0 %) and weight of 1000 grains (67.7–89.3 %). No significant correlations were found between RLI, germ root length, and field stability. There was a tendency to increase correlations to average positive or reliable values between laboratory characteristics (length of germ roots, weight of seedlings) and field parameters (size of flag leaves, chlorophyll content, ear productivity elements, yield) during the transition from background 1 to background 2. The ability to redistribute biomass in favor of the aboveground part of plants in the seedling phase (RSR index) had a significant positive effect on productivity elements on both backgrounds. Scientific novelty. Morphophysiological characteristics of seedlings were identified and recommended for selection for resistance to aluminum ions: root length, dry weight of the seedling, RSR index.

spring wheat, hybrid populations, seedlings, resistance to aluminum, productivity elements, yield
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