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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose is to assess the parameters of fruiting introduced subtropical and nut crops in the “genotype-environment” mode to substantiate the expansion of the cultivation areas of economically important plants with the enrichment of dendroflora and the formation of multipurpose plantings in the Volgograd region. The objects of research are species and varieties of various arealogical origin and grow in the conditions of chestnut soils (cadastral numbers of sites 34:36:0000:14:0178; 34:34:000000:122; 34:34:060061:10). Methods. The limits of tolerance of species, varieties and limiting factors of their growth were carried out on the basis of an analysis of the experience of introduction of the studied genera Zizyphus and Corylus in Russia and abroad. An active experiment was applied to identify winter and drought resistance by the nature of flowering. The assessment of the influence of the state of the environment on the stability of fruiting of the varietal diversity of subtropical (Zizyphus) and nut crops (Corylus) was carried out by the method of cluster analysis. Results and scope. Within the limits of artificial and natural habitats, the following are determined: ecological plasticity and reproductive ability of shrubs, taking into account climatic conditions. During the study period, severely arid (2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) and hydrologically favorable (2014, 2016, 2018) conditions for the growth and development of introduced shrubs were identified. The stability of morphological parameters of Corylus L. fruits by absolute values was established. In favorable years, the plants of Cherkesskiy-2 were characterized by good fruiting (full-value fruits about 75 %), other varieties are inferior in terms of fruiting stability. Fruiting is satisfactory (about 50 % of full fruit). It has been established that small-fruited plant varieties Z. jujubа on chestnut soils have a good quality index from 66.1 to 97.2 %. Medium fruit varieties had a low (28.4–42.6 %) indicator of good quality. The lowest (4.5–9.8%) indicator of good quality was observed in Ta-yang-tszao, Yuzhanin (large-fruited). The data obtained on the characteristics of the fruiting of shrubs Z. jujuba, C. pontica make it possible to substantiate stress-resistant varieties as components of multipurpose artificial plantations on degraded lands. Scientific novelty: A cluster analysis of the assessment and forecast of the parameters of fruiting for the targeted selection of promising economically important plants based on their ecological plasticity in arid conditions is proposed.

parameters of fruiting, ecological plasticity, varieties, “genotype – environment”, enrichment of dendroflora
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