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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose is to study the effect of various siderates on the biological properties and yield of spring barley. Methods. Тhe experiment was carried out on podzolized chernozem in 2017–2018 in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Urals. The green mass of the siderates was taken into account manually, and barley grain by combine was carried out. Soil moisture was determined by the thermostatic-weight method. The number and mass of earthworms were determined from the registered area. The microbiological activity of the soil was determined by the method of linen cloths. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the effect of various siderates on the yield of spring barley and the microbiological activity of the soil, the number and mass of earthworms was compared on podzolized chernozem. Results. The effect of various siderates: peas + oats, winter rye, spring rapeseed, white mustard, fodder beans on the microbiological activity of the soil, the number of earthworms and the yield of spring barley in the link of the field crop rotation – sideral steam – spring barley was studied. The largest green mass of green manure was plowed into the soil in the following variants: fodder beans (41.2 t/ha) and peas + oats (36.4 t/ha). In the variant with the planting of fodder beans, the highest microbiological activity of the soil was observed (71 %). Studies of the number of earthworms showed that their number was 24 % higher in the mustard variant compared to the control. However, the mass of the soil they processed in the peas + oats variant (138 g/m2) was maximum and exceeded the mass in other versions by 11–27 g/m2. The highest yield of barley was also obtained in the variant with the incorporation of feed beans – 2.87 t/ha, which is 0.26–0.69 t/ha higher than the rest. Increasing the microbiological activity of the soil in the variant with the incorporation of feed beans increased the yield of barley. The increase in the plowed green mass in the variants did not affect the increase in the number and weight of earthworms.

soil fertility, siderates, microbiological activity of soil, earthworms, yield of spring barley
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