Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is dedicated to the problem of the development of artificial intelligence in modern society and its influence on such philosophical disciplines as philosophical anthropology, philosophy of mind and ethics. The article defines the possible content of the term "artificial intelligence", examines the impact of artificial intelligence on the problem of distinguishing intelligent and non-intelligent beings, assesses the possibility of the existence of consciousness outside the human brain, explores options for solving applied ethical problems in the field of AI, searches ways of communication between the humanity and artificial intelligence, assesses the theoretical prospects for organizing an ethical space for intelligent machines of the future. At the end of each topic, the author tries to assess the potential impact of the artificial intelligence development on usual philosophical problems. The work has practical application in teaching a course in philosophy, and theoretical application as a basis for further research in various fields of science and philosophy.

artificial intelligence; mind; consciousness; communication; philosophy of mind; philosophy of culture; ethics; ethics of machines

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