National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University ( Deputy Director)
This publication demonstrates the possibility of dynamic observation of a patient with a diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor at the stages of combined treatment using SPECT with a new radiopharmaceutical drug 99mTc-1-thio-D-glucose. Also in the described clinical case, an attempt was made to semi-quantitatively assess the accumulation of 99mTc-1-thio-D-glucose drug in the tumor, reflecting the dynamics of changes occurring in the tumor tissue under therapeutic effect. The SPECT data with 99mTc-1-thio-D-glucose in the course of dynamic observation of the patient were supported by the results of MRI and, most importantly, by PET data with 11C-methionine. Based on the results presented, it was suggested that a promising method would appear for evaluating the results of treatment of malignant brain tumors, which is an alternative to PET with labeled amino acids, which favorably differ in the availability and cost of the diagnostic procedure.
radiopharmaceutical, brain tumor, technetium-99m, labeled glucose
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