About of the Necessary the Review of the Government Decision of the Russian Federation from October 19, 2012 No. 1069 for Classification of Radioactive Wastes
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Consideration of the shortcomings of the Government Decision of the Russian Federation of 19 October 2012 No. 1069 on the classification of radioactive waste. Development of recommendations to change the Regulations of radiation safety of current and future generations with the radioactive waste disposal. Results: There was obtained the shortcomings of the Decree of the RF Government dated 19 October 2012, No. 1069 these deficiencies can lead to overexposure of present and future generations of people to unnecessary costs and mixed results in the classification of radioactive waste. Conclusions: the developed proposals for the government’s decision: 1. Completely rework the requirements for waste include in radioactive waste. 2. To exclude from the solution of waste containing tritium. 3. To exclude from the resolution of solid and liquid wastes generated from implementation of the non-use of nuclear energy for mining and processing mineral and organic raw materials with high content of natural radionuclides.

radioactive wastes, radionuclides, specific activity, public exposure

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