Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of products of technological development and digitalization on corporate human resources policies. The transition of organizations from the interpretation of personnel as a labor resource to their perception as a "talent" is postulated as a bright trend. It is indicated that this process will be especially pronounced in high-tech companies and enterprises that work closely with the sphere of "high technologies". A number of features of «generation Z» personnel are specified, which form the requirement for the development and implementation of a specific corporate model of talent management adapted to them. The analysis of the impact of information technology, the capabilities of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics on the policy in the field of "talent management" is given. The author's vision of the main blocks of competencies required for talent management professionals in the coming years, involved in attracting, motivation and retaining talent in companies of the digital future, is presented.

talents, digital economy, IT-technologies, talent management professional, human resources (HR) policy

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