Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
According to global forecasts, emerging-market countries have a more rapidly developing consumption rate than developed economies. Their global consumption share will continue to grow in the nearest future. Large industrial enterprises have the best competitive position to focus their products and services emerging-market countries because they have strong brands as well as high-quality customer service, hi-tech innovations and infrastructure. Such emerging-market countries as China, India, and Brazil provide strategic opportunities for long-term development. Successful expansion into the emerging-market countries profit margins, asset turnover, and geographic diversification in the long run. The research objective was to study the strategy development of light industry and fashion businesses in emerging-market countries. The paper introduces an in-depth OTSW-analysis of strategic opportunities and trends. The author emphasizes the role of fashion strategizing as an effective tool that makes it possible to take into account industrial characteristics. The research results can help to strategize the national brand “Made in Kuzbass” in emerging-market countries, thus contributing to the global image of Kuzbass.
light industry, fashion industry, fashion - strategizing process, industrial and regional strategizing, emerging-market countries, trends, OTSW-analysis
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