GRNTI 31.05 Общелабораторное химическое оборудование. Аппаратура
The use of ion-selective membrane systems for measuring the quantitative composition of ions of some trivalent metals in process water media and wastewater under continuous flow systems is con-sidered and experimentally investigated.
ion-selective membrane, membrane module, aqueous solutions, continuous flow analysis, response time.
1. Kondrat'eva L.M., Sverdlova O.L., Dobrynina N.N. Eksperimental'noe is-sledovanie funkcionirovaniya ionoobmennyh membran / Sbornik nauchnyh trudov Angarskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta, T.1, №17, 2020. S.82-86
2. Kamman K. Rabota s ionoselektivnymi elektrodami. M.: Mir, 1980. 111 s.
3. Koryta I., Shtulik K. Ionoselektivnye elektrody: Per. s cheshsk. M.: Mir. 1989. 272 s.