Russian Federation
The article analyzes the works of domestic teachers and psychologists, devoted to the organization of work with children experiencing difficulties in the process of mastering educational programs. On the basis of the ideas put forward by the researchers, the authors formulated and characterize the actual way of preventing the failure of first-graders - the implementation in practice of the principle of continuity of education during preschool childhood and at the first stage of school education. The urgent need for the manifestation of greater attention of primary school teachers to the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical reasons for school failure, as well as the organization of a differentiated approach to teaching children of special social groups is revealed.
preschool educational organizations; primary school; continuity of education; school failure and ways to overcome it; psychological difficulties; differentiated approach; peculiarities of teaching children with disabilities and mental retardation
1. Federal'nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel'nyy standart nachal'nogo obschego obrazovaniya. – M.: Prosveschenie, 2011. – 32 s.