GRNTI 73.31 Автомобильный транспорт
Travel demand forecasting models are a key analysis tool used in planning the operation of the transport network and the development of infrastructure facilities. Relevant research within this topic is aimed at reducing the time and minimizing costs associated with developing a forecasting model for travel demand. The study evaluates the possibility of recovering an exact correspondence matrix based on an overloaded network, which takes into account the base / original matrix, traffic flow and their impact on the quality of the generated matrix. By means of the assessment, the admissible per-centage of deviation of the restored traffic flows, necessary for the development of a statistically significant correspondence matrix, has been determined.
accuracy assessment, correspondence matrix, transport planning.
1. Khan T., Anderson M. Accurately Estimating Origin/Destination Matrices in Situations with Limited Traffic Counts: Case Study Huntsville, AL International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 5(3): pp. 64-72, 2016.
2. Almasri E., Al-Jazzar M. TransCAD and GIS technique for estimating traffic demand and its application in Gaza City // Open Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 242-250, 2013.
3. Lebedeva O.A., Antonov D.V. Modelirovanie gruzovyh matric korre-spondenciy gravitacionnym i entropiynym metodami // Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. 2015. №5 (100). S.118-122.
4. Lebedeva O.A. Matematicheskie modeli ocenki matricy korrespon-denciy na osnove dannyh detektora «vhod – vyhod» podvizhnogo sostava go-rodskogo passazhirskogo transporta / O.A. Lebedeva // Vestnik IrGTU. – 2012. – № 2(61). – S. 66–68.