GRNTI 87.03 Теория и методы изучения и охраны окружающей среды. Экологич. основы использов. природных ресурсов
The preservation of human life and health has always been a top priority throughout the world. Haz-ardous technological equipment includes columns / towers, tanks, heat exchangers, furnaces, pumps, compressors and other equipment where explosive and hazardous substances are handled. The un-controlled development of emergency situations associated with explosions and fires can lead to significant destruction and loss of humans life. The article presents possible causes and scenarios of accidents occurrence and development at the sulfur production unit.
sulfur production, scenarios, accidents.
1. Vremennyy tehnologicheskiy reglament. Ustanovka proizvodstva sery, ob'ekt 207, ceha 201, Sluzhba ekspluatacii novyh ob'ektov (SENO), g. Angarsk, 2019 g.
2. Plan meropriyatiy po lokalizacii i likvidacii posledstviy avariy na opasnom proizvodstvennom ob'ekte «Ustanovka proizvodstva sery», g. Angarsk.