Russian Federation
GRNTI 06.03 Экономические теории
The possibilities and reserves of using the accounting and analytical system in the management of financial results in small businesses are investigated
factors, analysis, accounting statements, small business, accounting and analytical system, financial result.
1. Kamysovskaya S.V., Zaharova T.V. Buhgalterskaya finansovaya otchet-nost': formirovanie i analiz pokazateley. M.: INFRA-M, 2016. S. 432.
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3. O formah buhgalterskoy otchetnosti organizaciy (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 02.08.2010 № 18023): Prikaz Minfina Rossii ot 02.07.2010 № 66n (red. ot 06.03.2018) [Elektronnyy resurs]. [sayt]. [1997]. – URL: http: (data obrascheniya 04.05.2021).