Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The paper states that the current conditions in which the education system is located, and the rapid development of IT require constant improvement of methodological materials, taking into account the full capacity of the current software. Examples of programs necessary for preparation of methodological materials for high-quality classes are given. The purpose of the paper was to identify the Wolfram Mathematica didactic potential when conducting classes in the disciplines of the geometric and graphic profile at a technical high educational institution. In this paper has been performed analysis of literature sources both domestic and foreign ones on the Wolfram Mathematica system application in science and teaching of various disciplines. It has been shown that the program use scope is very wide, in fact, it is comprehensive and requires additional and in-depth study. Examples of Wolfram Mathematica using in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geometry, robotics, virology, and the humanities are given. In the paper have been provided examples for pedagogical design of simulation models for an electronic course on descriptive geometry in the Moodle system. An example of code written in the Wolfram Mathematica is provided. Interactive models developed during the design are presented, which allow the user to change the constructed curves and surfaces’ parameters. Have been defined some functional capabilities of the system, and has been revealed the Wolfram Mathematica didactic potential for teaching geometric and graphic disciplines. Have been considered other authors’ similar models, which can be used in the educational process to increase the clarity of the material presented in the classroom. In conclusion it is pointed out that interactive visualization in the "Descriptive Geometry" discipline, together with classical working practices, significantly enriches the content of geometric education.
Wolfram Mathematica, descriptive geometry, didactic potential, Moodle, IT
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