Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Research represented in this article is aimed to evaluate potential multiplier effect of expenditure on digitalization of Russian economy stated by the special National Program “Digital economy Russian Federation” for 2018 – 2024 as the planned indicators. In order to calculate multiplier effect authors have used potential autonomous expenditure multiplier coefficient which is directly related to the average propensity to consume domestically produced goods and services. Authors, using data of Russian statistics and own calculation, have measured the average size of multiplier coefficient in Russian economy over 2014 – 2019 and the size of potential multiplier effect that can be generated by National Program of digitalization. The position is substantiated that the development of own digital technologies can enhance the multiplier effect, contributing to economic growth.

government spending on digitalization of the economy, expenditure multiplier effect, average propensity to consume domestically produced goods and services, potential multiplier coefficient, average propensity to import

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