Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose of research. Development of scientifically and economically sound technological maps for the cultivation of food potatoes based on modern adaptive technologies used in the Kaluga region. Research methods. Typical technologies for the production of food potatoes were developed by leading scientists of the Kaluga Research Institute of Agriculture. Technological maps are calculated for two types of technologies: basic and with elements of Dutch, based on the methods of M. A. Bunkov, V. M. Golovach, as well as E. V. Fastova, O. A. Kovalenko, N. G. Belova. The economic efficiency of production is calculated on the basis of the methods of V. R. Boev and I. G. Ushachev. Results. According to the technological maps and calculations carried out, when cultivating food potatoes on an area of 100 hectares, 946 normosmen will be required according to the basic technology, and with elements of the Dutch one – 906 normosmen. For the production of 1 c of potatoes according to the basic technology, with a planned yield of 40 t/ha, it will take 581.6 rub. (in 2020 prices), with elements of the Dutch technology – 590 rub. The economic efficiency of potato production according to the basic technology, depending on the specified yield parameters (from 350 to 450 c/ha), varies from 67.5 to 124.2 %, and according to the technology with elements of Dutch – from 64.5 to 120.6 %. Scientific novelty. For the first time in terms of Kaluga region, the calculation scientifically and economically sound model routings of potato cultivation of food-based adaptive technologies, the use of new cultivars, highly productive mechanized units, as well as science-based system application of mineral fertilizers and means of plant protection, for the production of competitive on the domestic and foreign food market products.

technological map; adaptive technologies; food potatoes; economic efficiency
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