Russian Federation
The article discusses the methodology for auditing the effectiveness of the use of state resources in conducting state audits in the context of the new CAA 104 that has entered into force. The article includes an assessment of the relevant provisions of the standards of the Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation.
state resources, audit, methodology, audit evidence, CAA 104
1. SFK 104. Provedenie audita effektivnosti ispol'zovaniya gosudarstvennyh sredstv (utv. Resheniem Kollegii Schetnoy palaty RF, protokol ot 09.06.2009 № 31K (668)) (vmeste s «Poryadkom deystviy v processe organizacii i provedeniya audita effektivnosti»).
2. SGA 104. Standart vneshnego gosudarstvennogo audita (kontrolya). Audit effektivnosti (utv. postanovleniem Kollegii Schetnoy palaty RF ot 30.11.2016 № 4PK) (red. ot 23.04.2019).
3. SGA 104. Standart vneshnego gosudarstvennogo audita (kontrolya). Audit effektivnosti (utv. postanovleniem Kollegii Schetnoy palaty RF ot 09.02.2021 № 2PK).
4. Egorova I.S. Osobennosti audita effektivnosti: problemy identifikacii i osuschestvleniya // Auditor. — 2017. — T. 3. — № 1. — S. 29–36.
5. Egorova I.S. Osobennosti metodiki audita effektivnosti ispol'zovaniya gosudarstvennyh sredstv // Audit. — 2017. — № 12. — S. 23–28.