Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. A review of the literature devoted to the current problem of dentistry - mucogingival anomalies (small vestibule of the mouth, short frenulum of the lips, tongue, muco-alveolar cords) is presented. Purpose of the study — study the materials of publications devoted to mucogingival anomalies as etiopathogenetic factors in the development of gingival recession. Methodology. In detail, in the light of modern ideas described mucogingival anomalies (shallow vestibule of the mouth, short frenulum of the lips, tongue, mucous-alveolar cords) and their effect on the development of gum recession. Results. It has been established that a large role in the occurrence and development of gingival recession is played by the ratio of the size of the attached and free gums, which is normally equal to 5: 1, and in pathology — 1: 1. The pathogenetic mechanism of the negative impact of mucogingival abnormalities is associated with the absence, first of all, of a sufficient width of the attached gums with a shallow vestibule of the mouth, which is a factor of constant chronic trauma to the gums with, leading to disturbances in microcirculation and tissue metabolism, resulting in resorption of bone structures, etermined radiographically. In the mechanism of gum recession, a significant role is also played by the pulling mucous-alveolar cords, shortened and massive frenum of the lips and tongue. The main signs of arising ischemic disorders are anemization and mobility of the marginal gums when the lower or upper lip, cheeks, and tongue are abducted. To prevent severe destructive lesions, it is necessary to timely identify and eliminate, with the help of vestibulo- or frenuloplasty operations, conditions conducive to functional chronic traumatization of the periodontal tissues. Conclusions. The results of the review indicate that knowledge of the anatomical and topographic parameters of the vestibule and oral mucosa is necessary to prevent the development of gingival recession, prescribe timely and adequate treatment, predict and prevent complications. However, it should be recognized that this problem, in our opinion, continues to remain relevant to this day due to the lack of an integrated approach to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gum recession.

mucogingival abnormalities, anatomical and topographic parameters, ischemic disorders, gingival recession

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