Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work is dedicated to the formation of TiAl titanium aluminide coatings with cobalt and nickel additives by means of the method of mechanical alloying with the further maturing at high temperature in vacuum. Coatings were applied with the use of the ball mill of the planetary type upon VT1-0 titanium alloy substrate which were placed in the mill cup filled with metal powders. There is studied growth kinetics, a coating thickness is measured. A specific rate of metal powder sedimentation upon a titanium substrate makes from 4.6 to 11 g/(min•m2). Deposited layers have a mean thickness 70-180 mkm. There are studied thoroughly compositions and microstructure of mechanical-alloyed coatings. For that there were used methods of X-ray diffractometry and raster electronic microscopy. It is defined that the inner structure of coatings is heterogeneous. After deposited layer thermal treatment a metal interpenetration takes place first aluminum into particles of titanium, cobalt or nickel. Coatings are composite material the basis of which makes aluminide of RiAl titanium, and as inclusions there are other inter-metallides, titanium, cobalt or nickel and also aluminum oxide. Mean values of micro-hardness of coatings obtained are 1.2 - 3.4 times higher than of titanium substrate. The highest values of micro-hardness (more than 6.5 GΠa) after thermal treatment in vacuum are observed in TiAl-5%Co and TiAl-10%Co coatings. Micro-hardness of VT1-0 titanium alloy after annealing, vice versa, decreases by 1.3 times.

alloying, isothermal heating, titanium aluminides, coating, micro-hardness

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