Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the last decade, single-stage dental implantation has become widespread, often with immediate loading. A significant part of the implants are installed in the zone of chronic periapical inflammation, however, until now there are no data on the relationship between the form of chronic periodontitis and the processes of osseointegration in the peri-implant zone. The aim of this study was to study the effector parameters of wound neutrophils and the spectrum of pathogens of the local focus of inflammation in various forms of chronic peridontitis. 74 surveyed persons were divided into four groups, depending on the form of chronic periodontitis: group 1 was represented by patients with chronic fibrous periodontitis; Group 2 — patients with chronic granulating periodontitis; Group 3 — subjects with chronic granulomatous periodontitis; Group 4 — control group, patients with healthy teeth removed for orthopedic or orthodontic indications. We studied the quantitative composition of wound phagocytes and functional parameters of wound neutrophils of the separated socket of the extracted tooth, and also studied the biocenosis. Comparative analysis of the effector indices of neutrophils of the socket of the extracted tooth of the patients of the control group and those examined with various forms of chronic periapical inflammation made it possible to reveal in the latter: a twofold increase in the relative activity of phagocytosis and phagocytic number; multiple excess of the control value of the indicators of the intensity of the phagocytic reaction; high rates of activity and intensity of spontaneous and induced NBT-reducing function of wound phagocytes. Microbiological research made it possible to determine the differences in the composition of the microflora of the detachable sockets of the extracted teeth in patients with various forms of chronic periodontitis. Despite statistically significant differences in a number of immunological parameters and the revealed different microbial spectrum of pathogens of a chronic periapical focus, in patients with all forms of chronic periodontitis, predictors of the development of inflammatory complications were identified in the context of the planned one-stage dental implantation when implants were installed in the sockets of teeth with chronic periodontal foci.

one-stage (immediate) intraosseous dental implantation, chronic periodontitis, functional activity of neutrophils, microbiological examination, periapical inflammation

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