Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
VAC 05.22.08 Управление процессами перевозок
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 73.01 Общие вопросы транспорта
GRNTI 73.31 Автомобильный транспорт
There is considered a problem of road traffic organization at crossroads under conditions of urban environment and outgoing highways. The urgency of the problem of automated traffic control with the information for vehicle drivers about traffic situation using both navigation systems and warning systems by means of signal transfer to radar-detectors is shown. The investigation purpose consists in the development of automated self-regulated system of traffic lights control on the basis of vehicle number approaching to the traffic lights and vehicle driver warning about traffic jam approaching for the purpose of its going around. In the paper there are solved problems regarding traffic capacity of a megapolis traffic system, driver warning about problem road situations and the automation of these processes. On the basis of the theory of automated control there is shown a developed system allowing the formation of a traffic passage by means of driver warning about traffic jam ahead. There are described thoroughly component parts of the system limiting only with the choice of components among prototypes available in the market. A principle of automated traffic flow control at the crossroads supplied with the traffic lights is shown. There is shown a functional diagram of the interaction of system components for the successful traffic organization. The algorithm of the system automation functioning with its adjustment to certain time intervals of the effect of the enabling traffic light signal at a particular T-shaped or X-shaped intersection is described. The system developed for traffic control at intersections allows relieving considerably city streets. The analysis of the system has shown that traffic lights adaptive control allows decreasing traffic up to 70%. The application of domestic software components decreases system cost by 2-4 times as compared with foreign prototypes which, among other things, do not have the functional offered.
passage, motion, automation, control, flow, traffic jam, traffic lights
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