Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article highlights the experience of conducting a naturalist hike - a new form of organizing environmental education for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. The purpose of the trip, carried out in the form of a travel game, meets the requirements for the formation of environmental literacy in children of this age group, which are stated in the standards of preschool and primary school education. Game “What can you see in a pine forest?” is intended to enrich the sensory experience of children in the process of observing plants and animals of the forest, to acquaint them with observation as a method of studying natural communities, to develop a cognitive interest in the flora and fauna of their native land, to foster a desire to protect the forest and its inhabitants by participating in nature conservation activities. The article is intended for preschool teachers, primary school teachers, and additional education specialists.
the formation of environmental literacy in children, preschool education, primary school education, a naturalist hike in the form of a travel game, communication with nature, acquaintance with the observation method, study of the flora and fauna of the forest, development of interest in the natural communities of the native land, fostering an ecological culture and a desire to participate in environmental protection activities
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