The article is devoted to the multifaceted topic of attitude to labour, which remains relevant for representatives of a number of social sciences and practices due to the extraordinary complexity of the phenomenon of labour itself and the increasing rate of change in the structure of employment. Representatives of the exact sciences also do not ignore this topic. A worthy example is the fascinating book of autobiographical essays by the famous radio engineer and scientist Kira Belostotskaya, Honored Creator and Tester of space technology. In addition to the undoubted literary merits, these are undoubtedly useful for professionals carefully documented observations about labour and work, expressed in a literary, emotionally caring form. About their fullness of meanings associated with a specific job in the outstanding work collective of Experimental design bureau of MPEI, a talented social community and its outstanding persons. This is a cognitively interesting story about the value foundations of highly qualified creative engineering labour, about the choice of “work that matches your soul” and professional growth, behavior at work and effective organizational culture, leadership and personnel policy, about many other things that are important for organizing work with personnel that meet the requirements of the time. The list of problems that form the whole subject of activity of specialists in personnel management would take up too much space. However, even the listed ones allow us to recommend reading the book under discussion to representatives of this demanded profession as a rare opportunity for a broader view of the corresponding labour activity that goes beyond current affairs.
labour and work, social phenomenon of labour, attitude to labour, labour values, behavior at work, scientific-engineering labour, scientific-engineering creativity, organizational culture, personnel management, the essence of job with personnel, leadership, personnel policy
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