Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study evaluates the changes in the present demographic situation in the Krasnodar region and the capital of the region – the Krasnodar city. By studying the recent history, the region is characterized by significant changes in the demographic dynamics: revealed an increase in the birth rate, a reduction in mortality, there is a steady natural growth. In 2013, the birth rate was a record for the Krasnodar Region and Krasnodar. The structure of mortality rates, where in the first place remains a disease of the circulatory system, was revealed. In the Krasnodar region, the infant mortality rate for 2014 was declined, and, in Krasnodar city, on the contrary, this indicator was increased. At the same time in the city there is a decrease in mortality among child-ren aged 1-4 years, but the increase in the Krasnodar region. Implementation of the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and the national priority project "Health", launched in 2006, is the foundation of positive changes. In Krasnodar region the program "On Improvement of the Demographic Situation in the Krasnodar Region" was implemented in 2008-2010. These programs are aimed at stabilizing the population and the formation of socio-economic conditions subsequent to the demographic development. To further improve the demographic situa-tion, the program of the Krasnodar region "Health Development" has been implemented since 2012. Now a new target program "About the Improvement of the Demographic Situation in the Krasnodar Region" was developed for 2011-2015.

demographics, Krasnodar region, statistical analysis, population, target program.

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