Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The taxonomic composition of macrozoobenthos in lakes Vozhe and Lacha and in some sections in the Svid and Onega rivers is presented. The dominant complex in the lakes was formed by representatives of chironomids. Two species of oligochaetes and a gastropod were dominant in the rivers. The index of faunal similarity of macrobenthos between the lakes was rather high and amounted to 70%, while the similarity between the river and lake benthos was less than 30%. In the lakes, only two taxonomic groups were recorded, oligochaetes and chironomids that formed the basis of the benthos abundance: 87–93% of the average abundance and 92–95% of the average biomass in the lake. Oligochaetes and mollusks played a significant role in the river communities; in total, they formed 76% of the total abundance and 98% of the biomass. The trophic structure of macrobenthos in the lakes was almost similar, except the appearance of the group of phytodetritophages- filter-feeders in Lake Lacha. Detritophages-swallowers dominated in the river communities. In the previous studies of the lakes, the species richness of benthos both in Lake Vozhe and Lake Lacha was much higher. A decrease in the number of taxonomic groups and decrease in their abundance were observed in Lake Vozhe. At the same time, the role of chironomids in the formation of benthos in the lake was still significant. In general, changes in the taxonomic structure and abundance of benthos in lakes Vozhe and Lacha may be caused by a complex effect of environmental factors and long-term and intra-annual dynamics of dominant (cenose-forming) representatives of the main groups of macrobenthos. The simplification of the structure of the bottom communities, the inclusion of species with wide ecological spectra, the predominance of eurybionts among the dominants, may indicate pollution, eutrophication, and contamination of water bodies. According to the indicator species both lakes may be regarded as mesosaprobic water bodies.

bottom communities, species richness, frequency of occurrence, quantitative parameters, lake
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