The high prevalence of hypertension requires the development of new approaches to the treatment of this pathology. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of complex treatment of patients with arterial hypertension stage I and II with by means of the injections of antihomotoxic medicaments in acupuncture points and the using only standard pharmacotherapy. The patients were divided into 2 study groups: the first group of patients received a comprehensive therapy with homeopathy and acupuncture, the second group (con-trol group) received only standard pharmacotherapy. For objectification of the results of treatment, patients were examined: REG, USDG of the brain vessels, Holter monitoring of blood pressure, ECG, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, clinical and psychological research (MMPI), as well as electro-punctural Voll diagnostic. It was found that the effectiveness of treatment in the study group was significantly higher than in control group. It was established significant dynamics of blood pressure parameters, improvement the results of the ultrasound diagnostics of the brain vessels, decrease of cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, decrease the severity of anxiety, fatigue, normalization of the skin conductivity in the points of the meridians "Circula-tion" and "Nervous system". The significant improvement was in 98.6% of patients, and in 86.5% of the control group.
acupuncture, homeopathy, arterial hypertension.
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