The patho-biomechanical changes in the 45 patients with somatoform dorsalgia are described in this article. It has been noted that the dorsalgia in the patients with borderline mental disorders has only psychogenic nature, in the 100% cases the pathology of the musculoskeletal system was detected. The manual therapy effect on the state of the terminal bloodstream with the use of the biomicroscopy of the conjunctiva method has been studied. It has been demonstrated that the recovery of the tone and power balance of muscles contribute to the reduction of pathologic vasomotor reactions in the vertebral-basilar system and the system of carotid arteries. After 1,5 month from the beginning of the treatment, a decrease by 45% of the integral index of microcircu-latory injuries (from 0,51+0,03 standard units down to 0,28+0,02 standard units) of the patients of the treat-ment group, with whom the correction of patho-biomechanical disorders together with pharmacotherapy was conducted, has been observed. The analogous index of the patients of the control group after the pharmacotherapy, decreased by 24% (from 0,50+0,03 standard units down to 0,38+0,03 standard units). According to the data of the visual analog scale of pain, the improvement of the indexes of cerebral hemodynamics and musculo-fascial correction contribute to the decrease of the level of pain of the patients of the treatment group by 39,5% more compared to the patients of the control group.
somatoform pain disorder, psychogenic back pain, bio-microscopy of the conjunctiva, central hemodynamics, chronic back pain, manual therapy.
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