The expediency of using recovery non-drug methods in rehabilitation of children of primary school often suffering from acute respiratory infection is justified in this paper. The purpose of the study is to develop a complex recovery measures for children with acute respiratory infections and to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation of disorders in emotional state and cognitive sphere. The object of this study was to 350 pupils aged 7-10 years. On the basis of data of the medical examina-tion, all the children were divided into 2 groups: frequently ill and rarely ill. Then both groups were divided into 2 subgroups: the main and control. The children of the main group were treated by means of the recovery non-drug methods developed by the authors. To study higher mental processes activity the authors used psychological examination, sociometry re-search of personality-emotional sphere of the child. Psychological examination showed that violations of the emotional state and the decline of cognitive functions in frequently ill children, were significantly higher than rarely ill children. It is shown that under the influence of rehabilitation by complex non-drug methods decreased morbidity, improved psycho-emotional state and increased levels of cognitive status.
cognitive and psycho-emotional status, recovery complex, non-drug methods, acute respiratory diseases, children of primary school.
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