graduate student
Abstract. The goal. The research is aimed at studying the role of rural areas from the perspective of the implementation of regional development programs in the process of state regulation. Methods. In the course of the study, methods of observation, abstraction, analysis and synthesis were used. The conceptual foundations of state regulation of rural development through the implementation of state programs in the period of a sustainable process of urbanization, in the conditions of a post-industrial (information) society are described. Results and practical significance. In the study presented by the author, from the position of state regulation carried out by implementing the relevant tasks of state development programs, a scientific assessment of the modern role of rural territories in the socio-economic and spatial development of Russia is given. The author's position on the issue of the conceptual foundations of the processes of rural development in relation to the current development programs is given. The importance of infrastructural support of connections between rural territories and agglomerations to reduce the «economic distance» between them is reflected. The scientific novelty of the study. The results of the study of the role of rural territories from the perspective of state regulation processes are presented. An updated idea of the position of rural territories at the present stage of socio-economic and spatial development of the regions of Russia is given.
rural areas, state regulation of agriculture, state programs, agglomerations, infrastructure development, urbanization, economic distance
The realities of the current stage of socio-economic development of society dictate their own conditions for the spatial development of the territories of states, historical and geographical regions and the entire global geopolitical space as a whole. The key feature that characterizes the current trends in the development of society in the aspects of spatial development is the actively ongoing processes of urbanization.
It is the increasing processes of urbanization, the concentration of an increasing population in large agglomeration centers that form the conditions in which rural territories continue to develop.
Modern Russia, from the point of view of spatial development, is characterized as a country with a high level of urbanization. Thus, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the share of the urban population, as of January 1, 2021, is 74.8 % of the population. Moreover, the process of urbanization retains its trends. It is in such conditions that the rural territories of Russia need to adapt their socio-economic, industrial and technological activities.
Of course, the issues of rural development should be solved in the context of not just the spatial development of Russia, but from the perspective of integrated rural development. The solution of these tasks should be carried out with the complex interaction of all participants in socio-economic relations, including individuals, civil society, representatives of business structures, and of course the state.
The implementation of complex programs at the regional level requires an integrated project-oriented approach with well-developed interrelated targets, coordinated interdepartmental actions, timely identification of deviations and the adoption of appropriate measures. The constantly increasing processes of urbanization, the concentration of an increasing population in large agglomeration centers form the conditions in which rural territories continue to develop [13, p. 126].
In matters of the tasks of integrated development of rural territories, the institution of the state plays a key role in such forms of socio-economic processes. The main mechanism in the implementation of the state's tasks in the field of rural development and the national agro-industrial complex (hereinafter referred to as the agro-industrial complex) are state programs.
In Russia, since 2012, the state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food has been implemented[1]. This state program provides for a whole range of subprograms-directions, among which it is necessary to highlight such a direction as “Sustainable development of rural territories”.
It is the implementation of the state program and its subprogram directions that form the key position of the state in the development of the national agro-industrial complex and rural territories.
But the current conditions of spatial development of Russia, in the issue of rural territories development through the implementation of state programs, requires a qualitative revision of the role, functions and values of rural territories.
Modern Russia, from the point of view of spatial development, is characterized as a country with a high level of urbanization. Thus, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the share of the urban population, as of January 1, 2021, is 74.8 % of the population[2]. Moreover, the process of urbanization retains its trends. It is in such conditions that the rural territories of Russia need to adapt their socio-economic, industrial and technological activities.
Of course, the issues of rural development should be solved in the context of not just the spatial development of Russia, but from the perspective of integrated rural development. The solution of these tasks should be carried out with the complex interaction of all participants in socio-economic relations, including individuals, civil society, representatives of business structures, and of course the state.
From the point of view of the classical understanding, rural territories include territories outside urban settlements. But the interpretation of this concept in the professional environment has a much wider range. If, according to the scientific community, rural territories are a multidimensional socio-economic system [1, p. 2], then official documents on strategic development interpret this term as the territory of rural settlements and the corresponding inter-settlement territories[3].
Rural territories are a complex, natural and economic territorial unit that has specific properties, such as integrity, autonomy, stability, community. At the same time, sustainability should be considered as the equivalent of stability and rationality in development [12, p. 58].
Thus, when reviewing the role of rural territories in state development programs and their identification as a special territorial unit, it is necessary to proceed from the current situation in the system of spatial development. It is only through awareness of the modern role of rural areas that it is possible to build a constructive state policy for their development.
In the course of the study, methods of observation, abstraction, analysis and synthesis were used. The conceptual foundations of state regulation of rural development through the implementation of state programs in the period of a sustainable process of urbanization, in the conditions of a post-industrial (information) society are described.
In modern Russia, the process of urbanization is in an active phase of development – the formation of large urban agglomerations. To date, several dozen large agglomerations of the federal scale have already taken place, the largest of which are the Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara-Tolyatti and Ekaterinburg agglomerations. These agglomerations are characterized by the association of settlements on various links, such as labor, production and sales, cultural and leisure, and many others.
An important place in the relations that unite the territories into agglomeration formations is occupied by the agro-industrial complex, the main carrier of which is rural territories.
The very issue of rural development should be solved in the context of understanding that each individual unit is associated with a certain agglomeration formation, within which production and economic relations are built, which are the basis of the socio-economic well-being of rural territories.
The territory of Russia and its regions is characterized by great heterogeneity in a number of indicators: territorial-spatial, climatic, cultural-political, socio-economic and many other characteristics. Thus, each individual region, when implementing state programs, is a separate object that is affected by state authorities in the context of relevant measures. Thus, all the main functions for the implementation of integrated rural development programs are assigned to regional state authorities.
Thus, in order to implement the policy on the development of rural territories from the perspective of their spatial and sectoral development in the Sverdlovsk Region, the corresponding subprogram “Integrated development of rural territories of the Sverdlovsk region” (hereinafter referred to as the subprogram) is being implemented within the framework of the state program for the development of the agro – industrial complex and the consumer market.
The objectives of the implementation of this subprogram are:
- Maintaining the share of the rural population at the level of at least 15 % of the total population of the region throughout the period of implementation of the subprogram.
- Maintaining the ratio of the average monthly disposable resources of rural and urban households of the region at the level of at least 86% throughout the period of implementation of the subprogram.
- An increase in the share of the total area of well-maintained residential premises in rural settlements to 38 % in 2025.
As can be seen, the first two goals of the subprogram are in the nature of preserving the current socio – economic and demographic situation of rural territories, and the third goal is to improve the quality level of rural territories.
At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the current subprogram in terms of goal setting, in our opinion, in terms of the first goal, contradicts the objectively ongoing processes of spatial transformation.
We believe that the commitment to the goals of preserving the established share of the rural population contradicts the modern characteristic of high-quality goal-setting. We can argue this thesis with the continuing trends in the automation of agricultural production processes.
A number of authors note that the reduction in the number of people employed in agriculture in Russia follows a global trend, which is caused by the modernization of agricultural production processes and an increase in labor productivity [3, p. 114]. Moreover, a number of authors, noting that the efficiency of the functioning of the national economy largely depends on the observance of the proportions of the population between the city and the countryside, draw attention to the fact that forcing this process by artificial and aggressive methods is a very negative moment [14, p. 64].
Nevertheless, many authors note such trends in the reduction of the population of rural areas as negative, leading to a decline in the socio-economic development of rural areas, and focus on the need to improve the situation in the field of employment in rural areas [3, p. 114], [4, p. 20].
We consider such a position inappropriate, which is justified by the objectively ongoing processes of socio-economic transformation of the village.
Academic economists note that at the beginning of the twentieth century, 83 % of the country's population lived in rural areas of Russia, and now its share has decreased by more than three times. Such circumstances were caused by two factors: firstly, the accelerated development of industry, as a result of which there was an outflow of the able-bodied population from rural areas to cities; secondly, a qualitative increase in labor productivity as a result of the introduction of scientific and technological progress [5, p. 31].
These trends, although not at the same pace as demonstrated by the twentieth century, but continue at the present stage of development. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the agro-industrial complex at the present stage continues its development in the era of the post-industrial (information) society, which is characterized by the predominance of sectors with high-performance industry, a high proportion of the population employed in the service sector (service economy) and a high level of competition.
Based on this, we believe that maintaining a relatively high proportion of the population in rural areas is objectively impossible in a post-industrial society. We associate two factors with this:
1. The comprehensive introduction of high-tech industries in the process of agricultural production reduces the need for representatives of the agro-industrial complex to hire a large number of workers with low and medium labor qualifications-the factor of high technologies.
2. The gradual predominance of elements of the service economy, which concentrates an increasing number of labor resources – is a factor of the service economy.
The formation of the high-tech factor is associated with the impact of the third technological revolution, which is characterized by the emergence and active introduction of information technologies into the production process of the agro-industrial complex. At the same time, many authors note that the decline in employment in agriculture as a result of technological innovations was offset by growth in the service sector [6, p. 65].
The impact of the high-tech factor, as a result, led to the emergence and strengthening of the service economy factor. The service economy, as an integral part of the modern development of the processes of socio-economic relations, is focused on serving the population, the population with a high level of culture of consumption of both material and non-material goods. As a result, representatives of the service economy, for the most part, are based in large agglomeration formations, which additionally attracts a large number of residents of rural territories to engage in the activities of the service economy, thereby stimulating the move from the village to the city.
Some authors note that the modern processes of transformation of rural areas are associated with labor and economic specialization, namely, the rapid growth of labor migrations of the rural population and significant shifts in lifestyle [8, p. 55].
In rural areas, there is much less competition between employers for labor resources than in urban areas, which leads to the fact that the increase in wages for workers in rural areas is not economic, but administrative in nature [10, p. 267].
The shortage of jobs in the rural labor markets leads to the fact that the population of rural areas of Russia, in comparison with the urban, is distinguished by a higher level of unemployment [11, p. 12].
In a number of regions of Russia, the decrease in employment is associated with the modernization of the agro-industrial complex, with the appearance of agricultural holdings and farms, as well as a change in specializations [15, p. 61].
Thus, the reduction of the share of the rural population is an objective process in the conditions of the functioning of a post-industrial society, and the orientation of the state regulation policy to preserve the established share of the population of rural territories stands in contradiction to the objective processes of socio-economic development.
In our opinion, when implementing the national policy of state regulation in the field of rural development, in the context of the transformation of the national economy to post-industrial rails, passing the stage of the third technological revolution and the beginning of a new one, the concentration of an increasing number of labor, intellectual, financial resources in large agglomeration formations, it is necessary to ensure a close relationship between the village and agglomeration formations, by providing appropriate infrastructure. As N. V. Zubarevich, the development of infrastructure allows to reduce the «economic distance» [7, p. 48].
It should be noted that the subprogram provides for appropriate tasks for the development of infrastructure, among which it is important to highlight:
- The formation of a unified network of highways that is accessible to the population and economic entities all year round.
- Improving the level and quality of gas supply in rural areas.
- Arrangement of engineering infrastructure facilities and improvement of sites located in rural areas for compact housing development.
- Implementation of projects to create a modern appearance of rural areas.
In the academic environment, special attention is paid to the development of attractive infrastructure as a factor of business activity in rural areas, provided that formalism and incompetence are excluded [9, p. 87]. Of course, the formation of high-speed roads and railways is of great importance for ensuring transport links between rural territories and agglomeration formations.
No less important for ensuring the communication of rural areas with agglomeration centers is the provision of telecommunications - high-speed and affordable Internet.
The focus of the state regulation policy on these areas of infrastructure development will reduce the «economic distance» due to which cost savings will be provided for representatives of the agro-industrial complex operating in rural areas.
A high-quality infrastructure that forms a developed communication between agglomerations and rural territories will ensure the formation of a symbiosis between the designated territorial units.
By the symbiosis of agglomerations and rural territories, we mean mutually beneficial coexistence between two territorial units based on socio-economic, demographic, cultural and leisure relations.
From the point of view of rural territories, the benefit from this symbiosis lies, first of all, in providing markets for the products of agricultural and other agricultural producers that are based on these territories. In addition, large agglomerations are scientific, cultural, leisure and service centers, which, with a highly developed infrastructure, will ensure access of rural residents to appropriate benefits, which has a positive impact on their quality of life.
From the position of large agglomerations, the benefit from this symbiosis is the provision of supplies of agricultural products based in adjacent rural areas to their own domestic markets, the formation of additional demand for the service component of the economy and the provision of the corresponding labor market with labor resources of rural areas.
Thus, at the present stage of development, the main component in the system of state regulation of rural development is to ensure their close ties with the centers of agglomerations. The main direction in solving this problem is to improve the infrastructure component.
It should be noted the high quality of the stimulating influence of federal authorities on the policy of regional authorities for the development, including rural areas. Thus, by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 19, 2020 No. 1704 “On approval of the Rules for determining new Investment projects, for the implementation of which, the budget funds of the subject of the Russian Federation released as a result of a decrease in the volume of repayment of the debt of the subject of the Russian Federation to the Russian Federation on budget loans are subject to direction for the implementation of budget investments in infrastructure facilities by the subject of the Russian Federation”, which approved the rules for determining new investment projects, for the implementation of which, the funds of the regions, which will be released as a result of a decrease in the volume of repayment of the regions ' debt to the Russian Federation on budget loans, are subject to referral for the implementation of budget investments in infrastructure facilities by the regions[4].
It is assumed that investment projects will be implemented in several areas, including agriculture, construction and reconstruction of highways and road management.
The implementation of new investment projects is expected in the form of capital investments in state and municipal property, as well as the provision of subsidies to legal entities for capital investments (for legal entities with 100% participation of the subject of the Russian Federation) and for the creation of infrastructure.
At the moment, the authorities of the Sverdlovsk region, in relation to the development of rural areas and agriculture, are considering some options for the cost of creating infrastructure facilities in relation to investment projects. Thus, on the basis of existing dairy farming enterprises operating in rural areas of the Sverdlovsk Region, it is planned to spend more than 70 million rubles on the creation of transport, utility, and energy infrastructure facilities connected with highways for dairy farms. Options for the construction of gasification facilities for high-pressure inter-settlement gas pipelines are also being considered.
The implementation of such investment projects will certainly reduce the “economic distance” between the agglomeration centers and rural areas, forming a high-quality symbiosis of territories.
Discussion and Conclusion
The development of rural territories, at the present stage of development, takes place in the conditions of the ongoing process of urbanization, which should be considered not as an obstacle to their prosperity, but as an objective reality – an external environment that should be used to give a new impetus to their development.
The key role in the formation of rural territories on a new path of development is assigned to the state, as the main regulator, which performs its functions through the implementation of state programs for the development of agriculture and rural territories. At the same time, the tasks set in the relevant development programs should correspond to the object conditions of the current stage of socio-economic development.
One of these conditions is an objective reduction in the share of the rural population, the main reason for which is technological development and, as a result, shifts in the socio-economic plane.
The main task in the development of rural territories should be to ensure their links with agglomeration formations to ensure socio-economic ties between the respective territories. Such connections should be provided with high-quality infrastructure, which should primarily include high-speed transport infrastructure and telecommunications support, which will additionally provide cost savings for representatives of the agro-industrial complex based in the relevant rural areas.
The development of appropriate infrastructure will reduce the «economic distance» between rural territories and agglomerations, which will ensure the development of their mutually beneficial cooperation in socio-economic and other relations, thereby forming a symbiosis of territories.
The implementation of measures of state programs for the development of rural areas should be carried out by authorities at all levels, while the main volume of tasks to be solved should be carried out by regional authorities, and the task of the federal center is to ensure a general policy of spatial development and development of the agro-industrial complex, to provide a regulatory framework, as well as a stimulating impact on the regions.
Thus, the current stage of socio-economic development of rural territories requires a significant revision of their role in spatial development.
[1] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 717 of 14.07.2012 (ed. of 06.04.2021) “On the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and regulation of Agricultural Products, raw Materials and food markets”.
[2] Estimate of the permanent population as of January 1, 2021 and the average for 2020. URL:
[3] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2136-r of November 30, 2010 On approval of the Concept of Sustainable Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.
[4] Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1704 of October 19, 2020 “On approval of the Rules for Determining new Investment Projects for the Implementation of which the Budget funds of the subject of the Russian Federation released as a result of a decrease in the Volume of Repayment of the Debt of the subject of the Russian Federation to the Russian Federation on budget loans are subject to direction for the implementation of budget investments in infrastructure facilities by the subject of the Russian Federation” (the document has not entered into force).
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