Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the authors analyzed the issues of real medical care of the students of the Lomonosov Moscow State University of the municipal polyclinic №202 of Moscow Health Department. Main tasks of medical services for students and professors of the University are stated in the Charter of the polyclinic in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 № 273-FZ «On Education in the Russian Federation». Annual physical exam and medical examination of students are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of health from 06.12.2012, №1011 and from 3 December 2012 №1006. Identifying diseases increased by 15%. Among the factors influencing the preservation of the health of students, the leading place belongs to the well-organized process of physical education and control over its organization in polyclinic in conjunction with the Department of physical education. The peculiarity of spread of diseases among students is the prevalence of respiratory diseases and, unexpectedly, diseases of the organs of vision. Among the diseases causing academic leave at the 1st place are the mental diseases, on the 2nd - the diseases of the nervous system, on the 3rd - the respiratory diseases. During 3 years of observation, the following results were obtained: 1 group on health has increased from 19,23% to 25,44%, i.e. the state of health hasn’t deteriorated. This confirms the effective work of the section of primary health care and its leading direction - prevention. In conclusion, the authors have identified problems of medical support of students and ways of reducing their negative impact.

medical examination, student.

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