Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
graduate student
graduate student
In the constantly changing conditions of the external environment, with the modern development of science and technology, with a high level of competition, the success of an organization's functioning lies in its timely ability to effectively respond to market demands. An enterprise's resistance to external and internal threats is determined by the level of its economic security. In other words, the economic security of an enterprise is the state of its protection from the negative influence of external and internal threats, destabilizing factors, under which the sustainable implementation of the main commercial interests and goals of the statutory activities is achieved. It is extremely important to conduct a systematic analysis of the management of the economic security of enterprises, develop effective methods for assessing the current level of security in companies and improve mechanisms for increasing economic security to improve the competitiveness of Russian business in modern market realities. The concept of economic security includes a whole range of functional components. In addition to financial security, the system of economic security includes personnel, technological, market, legal, interface, environmental, information and power components, which equally affect the well-being of the company. And only when comprehensive measures are taken to improve each functional component, a high, competitive level of economic security can be achieved. It is extremely important to understand the essence of the economic security of an enterprise, to study methodological approaches to assessing the current level of economic security and to learn how to correctly use the mechanisms to improve it.
economic security, small and medium business, financial stability, financial indicators, methodological approaches, mechanisms for increasing financial stability
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