, Russian Federation
FSBEI HE «Astrakhan state technical university» K. G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management, Moscow, Russian Federation (Department of "Aquaculture and Fisheries", head of the research laboratory "Sturgeon breeding and promising objects of aquaculture" MSUTM: department “Ichthyology and biology, ASTU: professor, head of the laboratory MSUTM: main researcher)
, Russian Federation
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 69.25 Аквакультура. Рыбоводство
OKSO 35.03.08 Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура
OKSO 35.04.07 Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура
OKSO 35.02.09 Ихтиология и рыбоводство
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
More recently, sturgeon fish were classified as a national treasure of our country, since among the world's reserves, Russia accounted for up to 90%. Nevertheless, over the past 10-15 years there has been a catastrophic decline in sturgeon stocks in almost all water bodies of the country. The main reason for the widespread landslide decline in stocks of sturgeon fish is the excess of the withdrawal over the recruitment of generations. In conditions of anthropogenic pollution of water bodies, the creation of sturgeon broodstock using industrial methods of rearing is a way to preserve the gene pool of these most valuable representatives of the world ichthyofauna and obtain seedlings for commercial fish farming. In connection with the use of industrial methods of fish rearing, the need for their physiological control increases. One of the sensitive methods that allows you to quickly and accurately establish the physiological state of fish, as well as assess the conditions for their cultivation, is the physiological-biochemical, hematological method, the leukocyte formula, since blood is a polyfunctional system of the body that dynamically responds to all changes, both internal and external. Wednesday. The aim of the study is to determine the boundaries of the reference values in terms of physiological, biochemical, hematological indicators, as well as the leukocyte formula in aquatic organisms of different-age replacement broodstock of sterlet and the quality of conditions for its cultivation in the conditions of the cage complex.
blood, homeostasis, sterlet, fish culture and biological indicators, physiological and biochemical indicators, leukocyte formula, cages
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