Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the experiment the possibility of using the dissolving mixture of octanoic acid-glycerol in a ratio of 1:1 for the treatment of gallstone disease in patients with high risk of operative treatment was justified. In in vitro experiments (n=107) using the proposed mixture, the time of dissolution of the bile concrements in the minute in terms of 1 mg mass of gallstones was identified: K=5,757 (n=51). The authors noted that the solubility of gallstones depends on their degree of mineralization. So, in a group with a low degree of concrements mineralization K´=4,256 (n=15), with an average K´=6,044 (n=17), high K´=6,971 (n=19). In the experiments in vivo on 35 adult rabbits after simulation of gallstone disease through cholecystostomy, the introduction of solvent mixture at the rate of 0.2 ml/kg of body weight once daily was carried out. Low mineralized concretions dissolved in all cases (after double injection), moderately mineralized – with the introduction of 3 days or more, and highly mineralized on the 4 day of treatment. After treatment, histologically and biochemically, pronounced toxic effect of the drug wasn’t detected. The use of contact litholyse in practice will significantly reduce the invasiveness of the treatment of patients with gallstone disease and reduce recovery time.

cholelithiasis, litholyse, stone dissolve mixture.

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