The purpose of this work was to examine the effect of metabolic therapy on the dynamics of the main psychopathological symptoms and some indicators of cellular and humoral immunity in the patients with paranoid schizophrenia. The study was conducted involving 25 patients. In the first stage, the patients received conventional psycho-pharmacotherapy. In the second step, the patients received immune corrector, antioxidant and hyperbaric oxygenation with the antipsychotics. Psychopathological status was assessed according to the severity of the major symptoms (maps of Avrutsky G. Y., Zaitsev S. G.). Immune homeostasis was assessed according to 21 index characterizing the cellular and humoral defense. Indica-tors were assessed at admission, the 20th, the 40th day of treatment. On admission, hyper-activation of T-cell level and reducing T-suppressors were observed in the patients in the immune status, as well as symptoms productive prevailed in psychopathological status. The study shown that the correction of immune disorders by means of metabolic therapy allows to accelerate the reduction of psychiatric symptoms, to reduce the frequency and severity of side effects in con-ventional pharmacotherapy. Due to the results significantly expand notions of pharmacology of antipsychotic drugs, antioxidants, immune modulators, hyperbaric oxygen.
schizophrenia, metabolic therapy, cellular and humoral immunity.
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