Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents results of research on the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation treatment of athletes with post-traumatic chondropathies of knee joints by means of chondro-protective therapy (chondroitin sulfate injections). The study involved 60 athletes playing sports. Athletes were examined through a survey questionnaire Knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score - Scale Exodus of injury and osteoarthritis of the knee joint, as well as clinical examination, ultrasound examination of the knee joints, bilateral isokinetic testing of the muscles of the flexor-extensor of the knee joint. 2 groups of 30 athletes (the main group and the comparison group) had course of treatment: physical therapy by alternating magnetic field, therapeutic physical training, massage. Athletes of the main group was additionally applied intramuscularly drug chondroitin-sulfate (Astragal). The study showed greater efficacy of the treatment of athletes in the main group, this is confirmed by a significant decrease of pain syndrome, improving of functional status of the knee joints, increase sporting activity and improving the quality of life of athletes according to the survey; improving the biomechanical characteristics of the periarticular muscles and deficit reduction extensor tibiae between damaged and intact limb at angular velocities of 60 and 180 0/с, the positive dynamics of the ultrasonic examination of the knee joints.

athlete, post-traumatic chondropathy, knee, KOOS, ultrasonography, isokinetic testing, chondroitin-sulfate.

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