Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this study was to identify prognostically unfavorable immune and endocrine development criteria hysterical disorders. The study involved patients with hysterical personality development, hysterical neurosis and healthy donors. Immunological reactions were performed by standard methods, hormonal - immune enzyme analysis. Changes in cellular and humoral immunity in the form of a reduction in the absolute number of T- and B-lymphocytes, decrease the metabolic activity of neutrophils, the ratio of circulating immune complexes of different molecular weight, and lower cortisol levels indicate the involvement of the immune endocrine reactions in the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of the protracted forms of conversion disorders, and confirm the need for surveys of the immune and hormonal status of patients suffering from hysterical personality development. Identified by the authors the changes in neuro-immune-endocrine system can be regarded as a prognostically unfavorable in the development of hysterical disorders, and involve the use of immunomodulators in the treatment of these diseases.

истерические расстройства, истерический невроз, истерическое развитие личности, иммунные статус, гормональный статус.

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