Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The article discusses an urgent problem – the formation of a professional portrait of a university graduate in the field of communications and its compliance with the needs of the modern labour market. The purpose of the article is to present an analysis of the of the modern labour market requirements and the results of compliance control in the formation of a professional portrait of a future communication specialist. The definition of the compliance system and competency-based compliance is given. The challenges and main trends of the labour market have been identified. The requirements of employers for the competencies and skills of hard skills and soft skills are discussed, it has been proved that soft skills play a key role in the employment of specialists today. A foresight study of positions, professions and specializations in the field of communication was carried out and a forecast of the necessary competencies for them was made. The fundamental skills and competencies that determine the professional portrait of a specialist in the field of communication are highlighted. The competence-based compliance control procedure revealed weaknesses, threats, risks and problems that hinder the formation of a professional portrait of a future communication specialist.
competence compliance, compliance control, professional portrait of a university graduate, professional standard, professional competencies, hard skills and soft skills
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