Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The current stage in the development of communication science is a turning point. It is in the current conditions of socio-cultural destabilization, changes in the way of life, due to the challenges of the era, that the way of further development of communication is being determined. The ambivalence and inconsistency of modernity has formed a solid foundation for the development of dialectical contradictions in the field of communication, which, first of all, are caused by the rapid formation of the information space and the transition to the path of digitalization, without which not only communication is impossible, but also existence in the digital era in general. The most important principle of communication in such conditions becomes variability, where the invariant and the variant are closely related, giving priority to the latter. Variability refers to the changeable part of communication, ensuring its modernity and timeliness, invariance guarantees a connection with tradition and continuity. The article reveals the key aspects of the manifestation of the variability of communicative interaction in the space of information and telecommunication networks.

communication; variability; information and telecommunication network; digital era; transformation; invariance

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